Events & Media
Rodent-borne Zoonotic Disease Workshop
Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics
What is monkeypox and why is it spreading?
BBC Future
Scientists Zero In on Origins of the Monkeypox Outbreak
New York Times
Penn State researcher says current monkeypox outbreak is unexpected but risks remain low
What do I need to know about monkeypox now?
Penn State News
Sagan Friant examines zoonotic disease transmission
Penn Stater
On the Hunt for the Next Pandemic Virus
EPIDEMIC within Dr. Celine Gounder
How much do we Know about the Origins of SARS-CoV-2?
Symbiotic Podcast
Penn State University's Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences.
One Health, Coronaviruses, and Landscape
Landscape Architecture Foundation
On the Origin of COVID-19 and Zoonotic Disease Emergence
COVID-19 Faculty Lecture Series
College of Liberal Arts
The Pennsylvania State University
One Health Workshop: Infection & Nutrition Ecology, Evolution, & Global Health Linkages
Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics
Department of Anthropology
The Pennsylvania State University